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See Calendar for Cruise Schedule
Despite the images presented in many sailing and boating magazines, cruising for PBC members is not circumnavigation or globe trotting to far away exotic tropical islands. Cruising for most is a long weekend cruise to places not too far from home or an annual getaway for two weeks or so, usually on vacation, to destinations only a bit further away. For those blessed with a little more free time, cruising means trips to more distant locations around the Chesapeake Bay. Only a small percentage of PBC boaters answer the wanderlust call to far away places. Cruising as a club with both power and sail enthusiasts requires coordination between the two groups. We have two "Cruise Captains", one power, one sail, who work together to plan several cruising destinations. The first cruise of the season is usually a shakedown cruise to a close by destination. After that, the cruises typically extend to destinations that can be reached, enjoyed, and returned from over an extended weekend. Favorite destinations are up the James River to Warwick Yacht Club, up the bay to the Poquoson River and the Seaford Yacht Club and to the York River and York River Yacht Haven. For the power boaters these can be pleasant quick runs while for some of the sail boaters it can take a whole day just to reach the destination. But when the cruisers have all arrived there is usually a party like atmosphere and everyone has a grand time. A potluck breakfast on the return day is always a big hit. Members blessed with less stringent working requirements and those lucky "retired" folks often work up casual cruises with several boats for extended trips to many points of interest around the Chesapeake Bay. For those few who do answer the wandering call, "snowbird" trips through the ditch (ICW) to Florida, the Keys, other points and back are annual events. Check Calendar for the scheduled cruises and destinations. Also check out the Galleries for pictures of the cruisers, their boats, and the fun.
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