Portsmouth Boat Club

Originally Established 1905


Event On-line Pre-Registration Form


May 26, 2012   10:00AM  Entry fee $20.00

Make your check payable to PBC and mail along with the signed

Waiver of Liability Agreement



Portsmouth Boat Club

PO Box 162

Portsmouth, Va. 23704



bring payment and Waiver Agreement to the skippers meeting.


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* - indicates a required field entry

Merrimac Regatta Online Pre-Registration

First & Last Name* *
Sail Number
Boat Name
Portsmouth Rating (If known)
Boat Type (Make & Model)* *
Boat Length* *
Hull Color* *
Club Affiliation
Street Address* *
City* *
State* *
Zip Code* *
Contact Phone No.* *
Email Address* *
Additional Lunch Tickets
Two tickets are included with registration. Indicate only the number of additional tickets desired.
I agree to the above statements ->* *
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